[adsl] ADSL2+ here and now?

Jared Yates jared.yates at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 05:35:01 EST 2008

So according to Telecom I am on the East Tamaki exchange... and according to
the spreadsheet on the Telecom site regarding ADSL2+ rollout, my exchange
has been fully upgraded... however Telecom told me today that ADSL2+ is not
going live until March...

I have set my router (D-Link G604T) to ADSL2+ MultiMode, but it is only
syncing to the exchange as ADSL_G.dmt... and getting my usual 7616kb
downstream...Should I be seeing it connect using an ADSL2 mode of some sort
(and possibly 10Meg+ connection speed)? or is Telecom going to throw a
switch sometime in March and after that it will all magically be ADSL2+?


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1. Those who understand binary
2. Those who don't
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