[adsl] ADSL2 enabled exchanges?

Tet Yoon Lee leety at ihug.co.nz
Wed Feb 13 02:19:58 EST 2008

At 08:20 p.m. 12/02/2008, you wrote:
>I thought the same, but 3.1 megs, or just on 4 with the tweeks on the
>dynalink are much better then the 1.7-2.3 that my m1122 gave me. And pings
>are lower too.
>And the 200ish extra upstream really helps with seeding. 

Not an issue since I'm limited to 2mbit/128k which my current modem is more then capable of achieving and I use m0n0wall as my firewall/router so I'm doubtful pings will be different. Plus I believe the Dynalink doesn't support PPtP passthrough 

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